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Software Development Kits

What is an SDK?

An SDK for APIs, also known as an API SDK, is a software development kit that provides developers with tools and resources for working with a specific API (Application Programming Interface).

APIs are interfaces that allow different software applications to communicate and exchange information with each other. An SDK for APIs includes libraries, code samples, documentation, and other resources that help developers integrate with the API and use its functionality in their applications.

An API SDK typically includes pre-built functions and methods that simplify the process of making requests to the API and processing the responses. This can help developers save time and effort when building applications that rely on the API.

For example, if a developer wants to build a mobile app that uses an API to create QRCodes and share them, they could use an API SDK. The SDK would provide the necessary tools to authenticate with the API, make requests to retrieve data, and process the responses in their application. This can help developers to build more robust and functional applications that integrate with APIs more easily.

What are the benefits using an SDK?

Time savings: SDKs typically include pre-built libraries, code samples, and other resources that can help developers save time when integrating with an API. This can enable developers to build applications faster and more efficiently.

Reduced complexity: APIs can be complex to work with, and using an SDK can help to abstract away some of that complexity by providing a simpler, more streamlined interface. This can make it easier for developers to understand and work with the API.

Improved functionality: SDKs can provide additional functionality beyond what is available in the API itself. For example, an SDK might include features for caching responses, handling authentication, or providing advanced error handling.

Improved reliability: Because SDKs are typically developed and maintained by the company that provides the API, they are likely to be more reliable and up-to-date than custom-built integration code.

We got you!

To make it easier for developers to use our API, we are providing SDKs for a range of programming languages. These SDKs contain libraries and tools that make it easier to integrate our API into your applications. With our SDKs, you can save time and effort in building your application, as you don't need to worry about writing complex code to interface with our API.

via composer
composer require wilddevs/rest-php-sdk

Manual Installation
via pip
pip install ???

Manual Installation
via npm
npm install ???

Manual Installation